Putting together brand deals is my jam. I truly love it all… from hunting down brand contacts to crafting an email follow up that's firm but not annoying takes patience and skill 🤣
I enjoy negotiating money and landing on the price that puts the deal together!
I’ve spent years perfecting my process and the language I use when locking down offers. And now I can teach it to you, and truly take away your self doubt so you stop questioning your every move and start moving the needle!!
The #HANNAHHUSTLE - it’s a superpower that I’m very proud of. My drive and grit runs deep and goes a long wayyyyyy in this wild wild west that is the influencer marketing industry.
It's put me on the receiving end of deals that would have never happened. I can’t tell you how many times I worked my magic to get a client double the offered rate or how my dedication to follow-up and shaking up an offer has worked out in my favor.
My goal is to take away the fear and uncertainty that so many digital content creators, bloggers and influencers have. My Mad Rad Magic is truly teaching you how to Pitch + Negotiate for yourself with confidence.
You will be corresponding with brands in no time and you’ll be doing it even better than a management team / PR pro would do for you.
Why? Because, you believe in your work, know your value and can authentically share that better than anyone can do on your behalf.
I can’t wait to help you make that clear sense of direction for you and your business happen, let’s get to work!!
I’m not your traditional thinker. I think of ways to always color outside the lines. It’s also important that you know I get REALLY EXCITED over the small things - like when my clients land a brand deal - WOOHOO!!
When I’m not dancing about my morning coffee on IG stories, the business hat wearing / laid back version of Hannah is usually always sipping on cold brew while sending emails, writing pitch lists, responding to DM voice messages, on zoom calls.
I deeply want to change the way you look at your business. I’m looking to work with you if you’re open to learning, excited to be your own hype person and okay with the wild, creative FUN ideas that pop out of my brain!